Alice Guerlot-Kourouklis
artistic direction
design, sound writing, musical composition, dramturgy
Jimena Royo-Letelier
artistic direction
design, programming, digital and visual writing
Aneymone Wilhelm
sculptures creation
Association Iakeri Project
41, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris
SIRET : 833 317 126 00021 / APE/ NAF : 90.01Z
How to meaningfully evoke inequalities and relations of domination between women and men?
I N V I S I B L E W A L L S is a sound and plastic installation that uses open access gender statistics as materials to translate a social fact and make tangible glass ceilings and other walls that are invisible only in name. The reflection supported by the work is centered around the mythological, symbolic and deeply ambivalent figure of Medusa who, freezing the one who looks at her in the face, can designate the terrifying power of the feminine as well as the general and repeated opinion. which paralyzes and impedes thought. Immersed in the dark and in a nebulous sound environment, organic-looking mobiles move on which freeze statistical data relating to gender inequalities.
The three stages that make up the work (Disappearance, Gap, Violence) each focus on a specific aspect of the relationship of domination and model the environment of the work in a different way. Depending on the nature of the statistical discrepancy, the sounds and shapes that make up the work will be deteriorated, saturated or even rendered inaudible. During its wanderings, the public therefore physically and sensibly experiences the inequalities and social roughness that the conventional methods of presenting statistics sometimes struggle to make concrete.
The use of local data (city, department, region, in which the installation is located) in addition to national and international data, creates an immediate proximity with the spectators. There then appears a form of address of the work to the place that receives it. Through this device, the IAKERI collective wishes to account for the way in which reliefs, hollows, forms of organization and power come to operate in our societies.
I N V I S I B L E W A L L S sheds light on gender inequality and the women's place through the use of immersive space where the material and sonic qualities of the work are revealed while being distorted by a stream of gender statistics. Jellyfish-like creatures move through the space, capturing the flow of data that is being projected in contrast to the organic inner quality of the floating images. Playing on the meaning of “méduse” (jellyfish in French / Medusa), the work engages its subjects - the mythology of the female and the brutality of the data and the real- in a metaphorical confrontation. The work’s narrative, based on three axes - the sonic, the visual, and the sociological element - constructs itself as the audience wrestles with the data. Through this, the artists embody a digital landscape to address political issues.
This project is situated within a research space at the intersection of different disciplines, allowing the emergency of a hybrid field of creation, where visuals arts dialogue with mathematical science as well as sociology and experimental music. INVISIBLE WALLS discuss the problematic of how a scenographic installation may produce a context for the comprehension of socio-political issues.
The IAKERI collective is the meeting of three women (Jimena Royo-Letelier, Alice Guerlot-Kourouklis, Aneymone Wilhelm) with varied backgrounds. Strongly attached to the work of matter, to sound as a political weapon, to a critical and reflective use of technologies, as well as to the porosity between science and creation, he brings out dialogues between disciplines and places them in socio-political questions.Creation 2018-2019, production Iakeri project / Iakeri Collective, in partnership with Château Éphémère (78), Stereolux (44) and Eastern Bloc (Montréal, Canada), Abbaye de Maubuisson, Contemporary Art Center (95). Exhibition at Abbaye de Maubuisson from Novembre 9th, 2019 to March 31th, 2020 in the framework of "Liturgie d'un sonore et visuel" collective exhibition.
Photographies : Catherine Brossais 2019.
Photographies : Ilana Vasseur 2022.
« (...) une de nos servitudes majeures : le divorce accablant de la connaissance et de la mythologie. La science va vite et droit en son chemin ; mais les représentations collectives ne suivent pas, elles sont des siècles en arrière, maintenues stagnantes dans l'erreur par le pouvoir, la grande presse et les valeurs d’ordre »
Roland Barthes, Mythologies, 1957 Seuil, Paris, Collection Points Essais, p.63
Glass Ceilings, interactive installation, command from the Nanterre Digital festival in 2017 around the topic Women in numérique.